Monday, November 26, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

what do you do every day?

Hello Scott,

I get up at 5:30 am. After that I eat breakfast at 6:00 am. I leave to home at 7:30 am. Next I come to work at 8:20 am. Than I start work at 8:30 am After that I eat lunch at 11:30 am. Next I start again to work at 12:30 pm. I arrive home at 3:10 pm. Next I stay at home one hour. After that I read a newspapers and magazines at 4:10 pm. I go visit my friends at 5:45 pm. Than I go shopping with my friends at 6:20 pm. I eat dinner at 7:30 pm. Next I arrive home at 8:30 pm. Than I watch TV at 9:30 pm. Finally I go to bed at 11:30 pm.

I see you

Monday, November 12, 2007

he is falling.

What is he doing in this picture?
He is driving a bicycle.

What is a problem in this picture?
He is falling down.

Why is use umbrella driving?
Because it is raining.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What I do every day 2

get up at5:30am. I eat breakfast at 5:50 am .I come to work at 7:20 am. I start to work at 7:30 am. After that I have lunch at 11:20 am. I come again to work at I finish working at 2:50pm. Next I leave at home at 3:20pm.I relaxes at home at 3:30. After that I watch TV at 4:00pm. I study English at 4:30pm. I visit my friend at 6:00pm. I go shopping with my friends at 7:00pm. Then I eat dinner at 7:30pm. I leave at home at 9:00pm. Next I read books and stories at 9:40pm. Finally I go to bad at 11:30.

what I do every day

I get up at5:30am. I eat breakfast at 5:50am .I come to work at 7:20am. I start to work at 7:30 am. After that I have lunch at 11:20 am. I come again to work at I finish working at 2:50pm. Next I leave at home at 3:20pm.I relaxes at home at 3:30pm. After that I watch TV at 4:00pm. I study English at 4:30pm. I visit my friend at 6:00pm. I go shopping with my friends at 7:00pm. Then I eat dinner at 7:30pm. I leave at home at 9:00pm. Next I read books and stories at 9:40pm. Finally I go to bad at 11:30Pm.

my uncle

My uncle’s name is Khalid:
1-He is an old man.
2-He has short hair.
3-He is fat.
4-He has brown eyes.
5-He is wearing glasses.
6-He doesn’t have sport shoes.
7-He is Qatari.
8-He is sometimes wearing pants.
9-He is wearing watches.
10-He has a beard.

my brother

My brother’s name is Nasser.
1-He is tall and thin.
2-He is young man.
3-He has short hair.
4-He doesn’t have glasses.
5-He has black eyes.
6-He is wearing a shirt and sandals.
7-He is wearing socks and dress shoes.
8-He doesn’t wear jeans.
9-He is wearing a jacket.
10-He is 10 years old

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

about my self

My name is mohammed Al Saadi

Monday, November 5, 2007

How to use word pad

1-Log on the computer.
2-Click start.
3-Click all progams.
4-Click Accessories.
5-Click word pad.
6-Write your name and write two sentenes.
7-Click Insert.
8-Click date and time.
9-Click ok.
10-Click file.
11-Click print.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Help teacher (2)

Mohammed Al Saadi

1-Can you give me a piece of paper please?
2-How do you spell that?
3-Excuse me, can you help me please?
4-Excuse me, can you help me?
6-How are you today?
7- I’m very well and you?
8-What did you do last night?
9-What much?
10-What’s new?
11-Not much? How about you

Help teacher

Mohammed Al Saadi


1-Can you help me apiece paper please?
2-How do you spell that?
3-Excuse, can you help me please?
4-Excuse, can you help me?
6-How are you today?
7-l’m good, I’m very well and you?
8-What did you do last night?
9-What much? How about you?
10-What new?
11-Not much?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Interview Questions (2)

1-What is your name?
2- Where are you from?
3-Did you eat dinner last night?
4-What is your email address?
5-Are you married?
6-Does your father work now?
7-Are you studying security Training?
8-Does your brother go to school?
9-Where did you go last weekend?
10-How many brothers do you have?

interiew questions

Mohammed Al Saadi

1-What is your name?
2- Where are you from?
3-Did you eat a dinner last night?
4-What is your email address?
5-Are you married?
6-Does your father works now?
7-Are you study security Training?
8-Does your brother studys to school?
9-What did you go last weekend?
10-How many brothers do you have?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Introduction (2)

My name is Mohammed Al Saadi . I live in AL AZiZYA .I am 23 years old. I am single. I was born in August. I have three brothers and two sisters .M y brothers and sisters are study at school. I have a Toyota car. I have a big house. My house is next to the school. I work in college of the North Atlante . I like to play foot ball but I don’t like to play tennis. I sometimes read a newspaper and stories. I sometime go to the zoo. I am a good student.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

my introduction

My IntroductionMy name is Mohammed Al Saadi . l live in AL AZiZYA. l am 23 years old. l am single .l was born in August. l have three brothers and two sisters .my brothers and sisters are study at school. l have Toyota car. l have a big house. my house is next to the school. l work in NORTH ATLANTE. l like play foot ball but l don’t like play tennis. l sometimes read a newspapers and stories. l sometime go to the zoo. l am good student.

Monday, October 1, 2007

my family

They have a computer.
They have children.
They don't have a printer.
They have lot of money.
They dont have whiteboard.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

5 computer words





Monday, September 24, 2007